The two things Pierce students most wish to change about their hearts were loneliness and unforgiveness. We are encouraged by God's promise- I will give them an undivided heart and put a new spirit in them; I will remove from them their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh. (Ezekiel 11:19) Still, this process can feel long and slow. We need a loving community for this journey. This quarter, a true community began to grow.
Ginger was excited to begin prayer meetings on campus. We started the quarter with a small walking prayer group. Even that day was bigger than expected- another group was lost, but decided to do their own prayer walk! We've been praying for our campus, our world, and each other all quarter.
The first two quarters, we met for Bible studies in small study rooms in the library. But on the first day this quarter, 11 people could barely fit in the room! We switched to meeting in a classroom and loved the extra space.
From left- Andrew, Felipe, Sibi, Grace, Mercy, Hannah, Ira, Louis, and Rachel at the Tuesday afternoon Bible studies.
Hannah studies the word to prepare for leading a Bible study.
Ira (above) taught us about the Samartian woman in John 4, titled, "She's thirsty, Bro, are you?" Mercy (below center) and Shalom (right) taught us about the Parable of the Sower, and encouraged students to share the good news about Jesus with everyone, being generous and not judging if they'd accept the message or not.
A favorite prayer meeting was a restful hour of trying different postures of prayer.
In Jesus, and through him we may approach God with freedom and confidence. (Ephesians 3:12)
A number of students sang with a campus choir this year and sang wonderfully at their concert, "Great Hymns of the Church."
End of year party at our house- Ginger and Sarah enjoying summer weather (Photo by Hannah), below, students enjoying the cook-out and lots of "Apple to Apples" board game.
Lots more photos on this facebook album.
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