This is our sweet puppy, Winnie.
(Inspired by Winnie the Pooh, although her name is short for Winifred.)
She is part Boxer and part Labrador, sometimes called a "Boxador."
Winnie has an unusually red coat and is always complemented when we go for walks.
December 26 - January 1, we attended the Urbana 2009 conference in St. Louis. Urbana is a missions conference hosted by InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, which we were members of in college. It has occured every three years since 1946. (Ginger also attended the 2006 conference.)
One aspect of our mission work in our every day lives here in Newport is starting a new Bible study at CrossPoint Church. We'll be targeting college students and twenty-somethings and using the same discussion and question-based Bible study that we taught in college.
Currently, we're working hard on the apartment, so more photos coming soon!
Ginger mixed paint colors to find the perfect tone for the bedroom.
Stephen ripped up sparkly yellow bathroom linoleum. Beneath two layers of linoleum was plywood, and beneath that, the original maple hardwood.