InterVarsity Ministry

Pierce College - Fall Conference 2015

I've spent the last decade plus with my favorite people: college students! For many of them, it's the first time in their lives when they truly examine their values, priorities, and beliefs. They are open to trying new things, making mistakes, and they are hungry for knowledge. Yes, they came to study and get a degree, but they often find their experiences outside the classroom shape them just as much. 

Texas Tech - Spring 2009 - International Bible Study

In InterVarsity, we provide a community where students can ask questions and transform. Cynics become seekers, seekers become Christ-followers, who become leaders, who go out beyond campus and change the world. 

Rhode Island College - Winter 2012

A college lets me meet people from around the world, with international students who are taking a brave adventure, and students from all ethnic backgrounds who may be having their world shaken up. At community colleges especially, I meet students of all ages and backgrounds. We invite them into community though prayer, through their academic disciplines, and engage their minds with a dynamic presence on campus. 

Texas Tech - Fall 2008

I've found the best evangelism to be hospitality. We meet people on campus in fun and silly ways (engaging conversation with big display walls and questions about faith), but students usually make lifelong friends with each other when they come home for dinner.

I love hosting - but my goal is to train students to be leaders. Even if we're at my house and I've paid for the groceries, a student may be the cook, sharing their culture and talents. A student may share their testimony. A student brings their friends, and chats with them afterward about how it went. Working at a community college often feels like I'm just re-planting the same place every year, but I try to find ways to empower students to be in the front and have myself be supportive from backstage.

Why Community College?
  • Community colleges are less likely to have active Christian clubs- they are often overlooked! And it's difficult for students to maintain clubs when they come and go from campus so quickly. 
  • Community colleges have a huge diversity: students of all ages, abilities and disabilities, ethnicities, economic backgrounds. Some are parents, veterans, and some attend school while working full time. They long for community, but are busy. Sometimes they only come to school for their classes and don't make a deeper connection. 
  • Community college students deeply appreciate the opportunity for their education and are working hard on their goals. Two of our alumni recently went on to achieve their Master's degrees in education! They may attend two or more different colleges while taking classes, providing more opportunities to reach every corner of every campus. 

Pierce College - Summer 2016

You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everyone. You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.

-2 Corinthians 3:2-3

My History

2005 - 2009 Texas Tech (Student Leader) 
2011 - 2012 Rhode Island College (Intern Staff) 
2013 - 2017 Pierce College (Volunteer Staff)
2017 - 2019 University of Hawai'i + Kapi'olani Community College (ISM Volunteer Staff)
2020 & on:  Pierce College (Volunteer Staff)

Read InterVarsity stories on this blog! 

University of Hawai'i - Spring 2018

Information on Fund Raising

Donate here -- and sign up for prayer letter 

Where does the money go? 

I don't collect a paycheck with InterVarsity. (Most staff raise a much higher budget.) But I do depend on my monthly and occasional supporters! My donation budget is used for my training, events, conferences, and travel. I get to reimburse my purchases for student outreach, things like: office supplies, craft supplies, groceries for events, eating out, Bibles in different languages, Bible study books, and advertising. I've made a few big purchases like a laptop, big printer, and even a ukulele in Hawaii!

Bibles for the campus Prayer Room
Hawaii Pidgin, First Nations (English), Korean, French, Spanish, Japanese, Arabic, Chinese 

I also assign money to student scholarships for retreats. Many students find it difficult to afford training and leadership development opportunities hosted by InterVarsity. Thank you for supporting students from all backgrounds to benefit! 

University of Hawai'i - Spring 2019

To commit more of my focus to the spread of the gospel and the development of Christian leaders on campus, I need ministry partners. Partners financially support the work, enabling me to spend more hours on campus and focus on loving college students. Would you prayerfully consider joining my team as a ministry partner through prayer and finances? 

Texas Tech - Fall 2008

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." - Matthew 28:19-20

Rhode Island College - Spring 2012

Why do InterVarsity Staff fund raise?

A church has a goal of being self-sustaining, as members support the ministry, leaders, and buildings. Members may join for a lifetime and generations. At college, students are only present for a few years. They are less likely to be working full time (or if they are, it's to pay for school) and they have little spare cash. The campus is a mission field

(By the way, InterVarsity does invite students to give financially. Typically at retreats, we will have an invitation to support ministry in other countries through InterVarsity's parent movement, IFES. And as staff, I often reach out to alumni to ask for support the local campus ministry, after they are more established in their careers.)

Fund raising is Biblical

The Levites in the Old Testament, the Apostle Paul, even Jesus lived off the support of others (Luke 8:1-3). If the Son of God was willing to humble himself by being financially dependent upon God and others, I am too.

Texas Tech (and UH) - Spring 2008 - Yucatan

Fund raising is a brave and bold vision

About 70% of the world's full-time Christian workers are "faith missionaries" who raise their own support. Throughout most of history, Christian workers haven’t drawn a guaranteed monthly salary check.

Fund raising is a great preparation for ministry

It requires faith, hard work, and perseverance to be successful in ministry. Those qualities, and more, are developed and refined during the support raising time.

Fund raising is a ministry partnership

In the process of you investing in the Great Commission, we also build lifelong friendships with them. I get to have a team of 30-60-100 individuals and churches regularly praying for and supporting me. (Like the sower in Matthew 13:8) It's a blessing.

Pierce College - Fall Conference 2015

Why Give? 

Investing in students will multiply over and over. Matthew 6:20-21 advises: “Store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

What are the results of this investment?

  • Hundreds of students challenged to see God and social justice at outreach events
  • Students join the community and make lifelong friends
  • Students came to know Jesus for the first time
  • Students grow in leadership and evangelism
  • Students have committed to ministry/missions after graduation 
Texas Tech - Fall 2008


For the ministries I have supported financially, I feel a greater connection to pray, and a freedom to let go and not have control of the results. I’ve been able to have share their joys and disappointments without comparison or regrets.

Giving away money has helped me stop serving the “master of money” and serve God the Master instead. (Matthew 6:24) It helps me put my heart in a different place. 
University of Hawai'i - Fall 2019


  • 5 families are monthly supporters
  • 3 reliable "special occasion" donors
  • Weekly meetings with students / alumni
  • I'm on a new team (Pacific Northwest ISM) This team is mostly families with children, so we have a lot in common. Although I'm not only doing International Student Ministry, I'm grateful for the additional training and support in that area. 
  • InterVarsity national has provided incredible online resources and events during the pandemic
  • Stephen’s support and patience in this slow process.


  • 10 monthly supporters
  • during the (hopefully post) pandemic season, goals are unclear!
  • spending more hours on campus
  • monthly dinner night at my house
  • sending students to conferences 

Emotional Prayer Requests

Fund-raising (especially over the phone) can raise feelings of anxiety and doubt for me. I was reminded that any time we pray about money, it's a battle between the god of money and Our Father. I appreciate the prayer for my work on campus, but I also need prayer for my attitude and commitment to these first steps of my mission. 

Donate here

Thank you so much for your prayer & support,

Christmas 2020 - Stephen, Vincent & Ginger

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