Sunday, October 30, 2011

Adventures: InterVarsity Fall Retreat, NH

Rhode Island and Connecticut students went back to Toah Nipi for a Fall Retreat. After we arrived, it snowed and snowed!

The prayer station evening had many artistic ways for students to connect with the theme of "Identity" for the weekend. My favorite station was of masks that people wear- a mask that makes you feel comfortable, but isn't who you really are. Below, Lindsey adds a mask to the wall. One mask says, "I'm fine. I don't mind. It's okay," of a student trying to cover up his real feelings and hurts. We invited students to be real with God, and open to being who He wants us to be. 


Two stations below share expressions of God's vision for who you are, and burning in a fire old lies about yourself.

Early morning sessions had students met for prayer, and to pray for each other personally. Our praise band led songs about understanding identity in Christ. The RI guys staff also performed silly musical skits to understand identity. 

My group had ten RIC students, who all enjoyed being silly, playing in the snow, and also each heard powerful and personal messages from God through the weekend. 

Jill became a Christian on their spring break trip to New Orleans last year. But she felt like she'd wandered some, and needed this retreat to re-focus on God. The topic of the retreat was "Identity." During one evening with prayer stations, she was doing an artistic sculpting prayer station. There was a pile of little stones and one fell on the floor. She turned it over, and "Jillian" was written on it. 

Jill turned to her best friend, Michelle, and said, "Did you write my name on this stone?" Michelle said no. Jill dug through the other stones- they were all blank. She asked the staff, but no one knew how her name got on a stone. She finally said, "God's calling me by name!"

Michelle became a Christian at the same time as Jill, and although she has continued attending church-related things since then, she had a good revelation over the weekend also- "Before I was a Christian, I spent my time trying to get people to accept me through drinking and partying. After I became a Christian, I kept trying to get acceptance- this time through doing good Christian things. But this weekend, God told me I'm supposed to pursue Him, not pursue the acceptance of Christians."

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Adventures: Kapalkas Visit

Ginger's parents came in visit in October, taking Amtrak again.

Stephen gave tours of his project on the navy base and the construction site.

We explored some new parts of the island, and bought pumpkins. 


We spent a lot of time in Jamestown, on the nearby island. Beavertail Lighthouse.


We spent a weekend in Rye, NH, visited our friend John and Holly. They took us to Strawberry Banke, an old neighborhood in Portsmouth from the 1700s which has been preserved. We played some old children's games.


Ginger met the resident cat. There was a stuffed-toy version of this cat in every house with a different colored badanna. The children's tour had a worksheet for them to list what color bandanna was found in each house for extra fun and prizes. 

 On our way home from NH, we stopped in Boston to see the USS Constitution. Sadly, we just missed the closing tour, but got to look at the outside anyway. We did get to tour a WWII ship, the USS Cassin Young.

In Jamestown, we visited a historic windmill, and firestation full of old fire wagons. Where ever we went, Mom & Dad found plenty to photograph.