We started the year meeting new students, inviting them to our office and meeting other student organizations. Jeremy, Charity, Kelley decorated the window outside our office.
We also met students on the Quad at our "Proxe station outreach" - a wall with posters that have questions, quotes, and images on a topic to start discussion. This one was about human trafficking around the world. Kelley, center, asks students if they think God cares about what's going on in the world.
In September, the Rhode Island schools had a special retreat for Freshman. They studied John 1 and learned about how to be a "light" for God on campus.
Several students drove up to Boston to attend a Hillsong concert. Laura, Ginger, David, Charity, James, Michael and Luis.
Fun in the office- Kelley and Vanessa
Luis teaching about how to spend time with God in prayer and a better understanding of the Trinity.
Lindsey teaching about how to break free from the cycle of sin by understanding the gospel.
Teaching about spiritual disciplines turned into a powerful prayer meeting.