Thursday, February 28, 2013

Adventures: Springfield MA + Storrs CT

Snowstorm Nemo visited Rhode Island in early February. It snowed all night, and we woke up with no power and several hours of digging to free the cars.

There was a travel ban in RI and parts of Massachusetts. We huddled around the fireplace until about 4 PM when the travel ban was lifted, then hopped in Tim's car and drove to his fiance's house in Springfield MA. They hadn't lost power, and after a night warming up, we were ready to go back out in the snow!

We got to attend Jess' "Valentine Caberet" community theater production. It had songs, skits, and lots of fun!

At home in Newport, we took an acrylics painting class for five weeks at the Newport Art Museum. Stephen painted an old accordian camera from his book "500 Cameras." Ginger painted a lady in a mardi gras scene from an art magazine. 

After finishing our main paintings, we had one day left for a quick painting of Clementine and a colorful depiction of sky and trees found in a local artist's work.

 Ginger got to practice photography with her new camera by doing engagement photos for Tim and Jess-

 Then driving to CT to do photos for Steve and Amy. They wanted nature scenes, so we went to the state park where Steve had proposed, and had fun on the frozen lake.