Saturday, June 22, 2013

Tacomawa: MT+ Kristian's Wedding WY

Montana Trip

Ginger flew to Montana for a week. It was her first time with iPhone and instagram fun! She tried to take lots of family photos.

Nancy and her irises, Mandy and Ginger looking twinly.

Uncle Larry and Aunt Kay were visiting from Arizona. It had been years since Ginger caught up with them. Nick, Mandy, Ron, Jim, Ginger, Mary, Nancy, Kay, Larry, Gramma Pearl.

Kay and Ginger, Gramma Pearl with three of her children!

Mike and Paula have owned their own house for one year now.

Ron and Nancy enjoy early morning walks. We found a playground. 


Visiting Nancy's aunt Lois, Ginger showed her some photos of cakes she's been making recently. Lois looked through her closet and pulled out five photographs of cakes she made in the early 70s after taking a Wilton cake-decorating class! She said it was fun, but too much work.

Gramma Pearl is doing well and played Scrabble, like always.

Ron and Nancy are continuing their interim ministry adventure across Montana. This fall, Ron will be pastoring the United Methodist Church in Glasgow, MT.

Until then, they are taking a long vacation to Poland to research Kapalka family history, and to Slovakia to help Bill and Nona Baker's mission work with the Roma gypsies. More to come!

Amos & Kristian's Wedding
Cody, WY

Amos' family owns a goat farm outside Powell with a lovely view of Heart Mountain. They had 15 baby goats. (Ginger and Sarah took 100 goat photos.)

 Kristian's bridesmaids were her sister Danyon, college best friend Sarah, and Ginger. On the morning of the wedding, we had a hair appointment in Cody. Kristian had a book of 50's and 60's hairstyles. Ginger and Sarah got beehives! It took 30 bobby pins, lots of back-teasing, and a can of hairspray. Kristian's hairstyle is the Veronica Lang. Danyon did Kristian's make-up, Shannon made the beautiful bridal veil.

The ceremony was wonderful and beautiful. Their personal vows gave everyone tears...

 Kristian has more on her wedding and honeymoon to Paris, and lovely art and graphics on her blog!

 We took photos at the sweet old art museum arcross the street from Cody United Methodist Church. At the reception, caught up with friend Dori!

Kristian and Amos cutting their pretty cake. (Mandy and Nick were in charge of delivery from a Billings Bakery.) Amos' 14-year-old niece caught Kristian's bouquet. (His mom yelled, "Give it to someone else!")

Amos and Kristian have taken dancing classes for a long time, and were fantastic "cutting a rug." Ginger danced with her mom- Nancy likes the Twist. 

Danyon with best friend Mandy! Bridesmaids looking cool in shades. The background of this post is photobooth photos from a camera/printer setup that Amos made.

Congrats to the happy couple!

Saturday, June 15, 2013